Tuesday, March 29, 2011

conti 2: notes/transcriptions 2

Police Power
-power of state to pass rules and regulations, enact laws for the promotion of the general welfare
-most pervasive, governs a person from womb to tomb
-least limited among the three inherent powers
-cannot be the subject of a contract
Legal basis
  1. Welfare of the people is the supreme law
  2. Individual benefit is subordinate to the interest of the greater number
Test for validity
  1. Lawful subject
-the objective must be for the promotion of the general welfare (public safety/health/etc)
-for the community not an individual or a group
  1. Lawful means
-must not be contrary to law or oppressive to the rights of individuals
See separate page for notes in cases regarding this!
Who may exercise police power?
  1. Congress
  2. President
-based Sec 23 Art 6
-only in cases of war or national emergency
-there must be a declaration of a state of war to be determined by
 congress: joint session but voting separately
president: as commander in chief of armed forces
BUT there must be express grant of emergency powers in the form of a law for the president to be able to exercise such power
- president should be guided by the declared policies given by congress in granting the emergency power
-limited time only
if the calamity/emergency ceases then the power ceases
if congress will issue a resolution (signature of the president is not needed) withdrawing such power
if not withdrawn earlier it will last until next adjournment of congress
National emergency
-too sudden, affecting the nation, a calamity too serious
  1. Admin bodies
-agencies under the control of the president who are tasked to enforce the law (dept of finance/energy/ etc)
-promulgate IRR or implementing rules and regulations (subordinate legislature)
-do not make laws but rules and regulation, law execution rather than law making
-must pass the completeness and sufficiency of standard test (recall consti 1)
  1. LGU
  2. People in general

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